

You angry, you depress, you disappointed because what you want is not happening. You keep complaining and nagging for what you don't have. You jealous of what people have. And you keep asking why from God.

Well Dear, 

"Please look back at yourself for what you have, and be thankful for it. No one can nearly have everything, but gratitude can fill our life more than we think. When we focus on what we don't have, we attract that vibration and bring more Not enough to ourselves. However, if we could focus on what we have and be greatful for it, then our vibration is high and attract good to us more than ever. So Dear, think the happy thing you have today before fall in sleep tonight, and thanks for that. With that gratitude in mind to wake up tomorrow morning and start another thankful day."

Day with joy and gratitude 
Thank you, I love you


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