離開Equal Exchange 所在的麻州波士頓,我們開車往南方的馬里蘭州巴爾地摩前進去看展。六至七小時的車程,我們最後用了12小時才到,因為路上風景美,再加上去吃午餐然後又不小心的給它shopping。在紐澤西加油時,很震驚的發現,居然不能自己加油,自己加油在此州是非法的耶,所以加個油還花了不少時間,新的體驗。

East coast tour day 4 long drive
Left Boston and headed down to Baltimore. The drive was supposed to be about 6-7 hours drive, but turned out we drove 12 hours to get here. Well, the vies was nice, plus we stopped for lunch, and unintentional shopping. :)

One surprise was that self service gas in NJ is illegal. I was going to back up the car to fill gas, and the person said, no no no, only one way traffic. Then, saw the sign said no self service. Took a while to fill that gas lol.

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    勇敢去飛 Dream Big Be Brave

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