今天來到Equal Exchange 位於Caton的辦公室,最主要的是他們的客服部及倉庫所在。和昨天一樣的感動是,辦公室內的每個人都熱烈的歡迎我們及和我們打招呼。在參觀倉庫和物流部份之前,巧克力部門的Megan和我們先來一場品巧克力之宴;和咖啡及茶一樣,巧克力也是要先經過巧克力部門的品檢部每個人來試吃做品管,確保每次的口感都一樣,維持一定的品質。問Meaghan說,EE的巧克力和別人有什麼不同?她很驕傲的告訴我們

1. EE的巧克力是在瑞士製成,而瑞士是世界上做巧克力最出名的
2. 為什麼在瑞士?因為這是一家歷史悠久的有機家庭工廠。"有機"工廠,非常重要,而且這家工廠自己也支持公平貿易的理念,所以他們自己也有合作配合的小合作社
3. EE的巧克力原料都是天然未加工的,雖然這樣成本會比較高,但是不做不違心的產品才是最重要的。

CIMG3131.JPG 拆了包裝的巧克力,在不知風味的情形下來做試吃

CIMG3126.JPG 專心試吃,寫下每口的滋味


最後,Sharyn還帶我們坐地鐵到Boston市中心成立己四年的Equal Exchange Cafe。Cafe的成立,除了讓好喝的公平貿易有機咖啡和茶可以讓更多的人品嘗到之外,也希望藉此機會讓更多人可以了解何謂公平貿易,為什麼要做公平貿易。

CIMG3167.JPG Equal Exchange Cafe, Boston

CIMG3168.JPG 在繁忙的Boston 中心,一間屬於Equal Exchange的Cafe,只賣公平貿易的咖啡/茶/巧克力

CIMG3165.JPG Equal Exchange Cafe, Boston

CIMG3161.JPG 準備搭車去Cafe, Boston

CIMG3166.JPG Equal Exchange Cafe, Boston

這二天緊湊的行程下來,深深覺得,就算走在公平貿易又是有機的路並不簡單,但是唯有堅持一貫的理念和不忘初衷,路才可以走得更遠更廣,然後人心也才可以聚集有向心力。就像Equal Exchange內部的員工,隨便一問,平均都己經在這裡工作十年;而有些人可能還離開過後選擇再回來,只因為Equal Exchange的理念和所做的事!

East Coast Trip Day 2, Equal Exchange Part 2
Same touching feeling like yesterday, everyone welcomed us with warm greeting in the office, even the warehouse people. We love to see their smiles. Had chocolate tasting and tour in warehouse to know how an order is be processed.

Magan from chocolate team spent some time with us for chocolate tasting, and told us, they have to taste every chocolate each time after production run to make sure the quality is consistant. Asked Megan, what makes differences for Equal Exchange chocolate from others, and she was so proud to tell us:

1. Chocolates are made in Swithland where the country is most well-known of making chocolate
2. The Swithland factory is a family owned, but organic, factory. Plus, they understand the concept of fair trade, and they have their own source to co-oop farmers.
3. All ingredients to make the bars are in high-standard and not cheap processing

As for warehouse, everything is scanned and located. People works as early at 6:30am, and finish work around 3:00 ~ 3:30pm.

Last, went to Exchange Cafe with Sharyn by subway. Cafe has been 4 years at Boston, and 6 years at Seattle. Here is not only selling good and tasted coffee and tea, but also a place for people to understand more about fair trade.

With 2 days visiting and talking, found that the only thing is matter is you stays on the road with right concept and mindset although it is really a hard and lonely way to go. Most people we talked to work at Equal Exchange have been about a decade, and some of them even left the office then came back to be with Equal Exchange.

CIMG3148.JPG 辦公室內幾乎每個人的桌子都架高,所以隨時可以起來走動;而這位老兄則是用個跑步機,隨時可以運動

2016_09_20 #1_12.jpg 倉庫的分類

2016_09_20 #1_11.jpg 層層貨架,細細分類

2016_09_20 #1_20.jpg 和我們分享的Sharyn

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