


Are you always in a part of the crowd? Maybe with family, friends, or co-workers? Have you sometimes wonder why you are at where you are now, and wonder if it can be changed? Have you even sometimes thought is it going to be my whole life like it forever?

Well, dear

"Take a time out to be alone, just to be with yourself only. ALONE, BUT NOT LONELY. Maybe go to a movie, a restaurant, a day escape trip, or just sit at a corner of your favorite coffee shop. if you like, you can also meditate. The point is to be alone. Not with family, co-workers, friends or spouse, but only be with you. No need to think anything particularly, but relax. Then, maybe the answer you were looking for about your life, your worry, your career and so on, will just come out from that peace and quiet time you are with yourself. Because dear, our inner voice are consistently talking to us, even guiding us to a happiness way, and we just too busy to hear it. Then, with a moment with yourself only, you can hear it. And maybe, it is just comfort you, and that is what you only need."

Day with joy and gratitude 
Thank you, I love you


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