People say the most beauty thing in Taiwan is people. I think the morning dancing / exercising grandmas' group at park is definitely a nice view. I am lucky to see it every morning on the way to bus station.
They always bring smiles on me. Glad to see these grandmas full with energy. Being old doesn't mean need to dependent.
Of course one good is to hear grandma told me, young lady, you are so pretty. So sweet.
Also saw a grandma followed the music to dance from her own balcony at 2nd floor. How cute.
Even day started with cute grandmothers, I had to end the day with an apologize to one of our factory. I unconsciously raised my voice to talk to this guy on the phone. Colleagues said I was so no patient and mean to this guy. They never saw me raised voice to other factories, even these people were behind their deliver schedules.
I really don't know why I just have to patient with this specific factory, and have to be so mean and serious when I call every time. But to end this day good, I want to make the apologize. Mr. Chang, please forgive me being no patient and mean to you every time. I am sorry if I ever make you feel terrify to talk to me. Sorry.
Live a day with joy and gratitude
Day 74, I am thankful and I am happy
Thank you, I love you
One more, two more, three more
I also one more, two more up here
pretty flower, saw from a bus