Someone once said you have to gratitude for what you have in life, then you feel abundance and be abundant. If you can do that everyday for consistent days, then life will be changed after then. For example, you gratitude about money, then money will be much happier to be with you.


I know it is hard to do, especially when we have to fight hard for living. But still, it worth to do.


My grandmother, mom's mom, still in coma since Wednesday night. Be grateful, I thanks to God that she hasn't given up yet.


My another grandmother, dad's mom, is in hospital, probably in surgery soon because her right eye just got damaged and needed to be removed. Be grateful, I thanks to God that she has strong will to keep living.


And for all, I thanks to God that my both grandmother are living over 95 years old and still go on. Thanks to their long living, so my parents, uncles and aunts can be with them for so long and take care them.


Thank you, God.
And please help both them to go through this difficulty this time.
Thank you...


Day 43, I am thankful and I am happy


Thank you, I love you 

Grandma's life numbers, thanks these numbers are still changing and graph is still up and down. Thank you

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