Today 2/14, valentine's day. No valentine for me. But thanks to M.A. remembered it, and sent message yesterday first to wish me happy valentine.


Today was also our temple to have the ceremony to thank God for this year. Everyone was there around 8:30am to get it ready.


Thanks to give us a peaceful year.
Thanks to give us a safe year.
Thanks to keep guiding us on the right path.
Thanks to keep caring us for all small matters.
Thanks to keep teaching us to grow in a spiritual way.
Thanks to keep holding our hands for every step.
Thanks to make our wishes come true.
Thanks for all.


Day 42, I am thankful and I am happy 

Thank you, I love you

DSC_2256 The deserts I made yesterday for today ceremony. DSC_2260 Hair pin for today, looks elegant

DSC_2261 Everyone was working for the big meal  

DSC_2262 Sister was making a carrot flower

DSC_2263 Set the table

DSC_2265 Bow to God before the dishes to set on the table

DSC_2267 Table is almost ready

DSC_2268 Adjust a little

DSC_2270 Everything is ready

DSC_2271 Our appreciation to God with true sincerity

DSC_2272 Change to new tea and water for God

DSC_2277 Prepare clothes and cloth for God to go home with new clothes

DSC_2278 Paper money to appreciate

DSC_2279 Lunch with God, looks tasty and delicious

DSC_2281 Before starting lunch, worship to God with sweet desert

DSC_2284 Group photo

DSC_2287  Me with two little angels

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    勇敢去飛 Dream Big Be Brave

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