因為工作出差,再次來到好久不見的拉斯維加斯;有點熟悉又有點陌生,因為又有了新飯店出現在大道上。拉斯維加斯最有名的就是在拉斯維加斯大道 (Las Vegas Strip)上的飯店,人潮也多聚集在這裡,不夜城也是在這裡;但事實上,這裡只是拉斯維加斯的一小部份,而大道也分成「南大道 S. Las Vegas Blvd.」 及「北大道 N. Las Vegas Blvd.」,有名的這一段則是在「南大道 S. Las Vegas Blvd.」,而南北大道的人潮和風景也大不同。


因為是展期的時候,即使我們已經提早近三個月來訂房間了,在拉斯維加斯大道 (S. Las Vegas Strip) 上的飯店都訂不到,如果有的話,價格又很高;就連非五星級的大飯店也是看得到住不到啊。所以後來因為有租車從加州開過來,所以我們就決定住遠一點,價格低點沒關係,這樣至少可以把房間錢省下來,然後來吃好料的;最後就選到離熱鬧大道開車約20分鐘的北大道居住。南北的熱鬧和燈光有著很大的區分,在高速公路上就可以看的出來;有點像是同樣在台北市,可是從台北車站回到大橋頭站,就像經歷了二個世界一樣。一個是車多人多很吵雜;一個是安安靜靜,除了車子過去的聲音而已。


除了看展外,老大說晚上沒事我們也可以去看秀,所以就買了太陽馬戲團的票去看。內容是真的精彩,最後謝幕的時候還舉牌告知觀眾,現在可以照相。但是......我因為秀開始前沒有先去上廁所,然後我們又買了爆米花和可樂,結果後來就開始覺得脹脹,不敢亂動;心裡一直想著,要結束了嗎?要結束了嗎?再結果就是,謝幕時的照相,我都只能僵在那裡無法伸手把手機拿出來照相,就怕一動就要潰堤了,害我連一張紀念照都沒拍到;謝幕一結束,燈一亮,就趕快的Excuse me, excuse me, 往洗手間快腳飛奔而去。



Bellagio 的水舞已經看了幾次,更常在電影Ocean Eleven 瞞天過海中出現,但剛好看到了,還是想留個到此一遊啊⋯⋯



Bellagio 有個室內庭園,會有不同的主題做規劃;因為農曆年快到了,今天的庭園還在施工,看來也是準備來應景了。







這次來看展,走到腳底酸痛,雖然本業的東西沒看到,卻發現無人電動車是各大廠目前都在研發鑽研的未來品。Huyndai 是場內唯一讓無人電動車做模擬的,雖然其它大廠各是在顯示它的內觀和質感。


Las Vegas, here I came again.  Long time no see.  Something still stays the same, and some are new, like Aria casino and resort.


Came to CES show although didn’t find what we came for, but found one interested trend.  Most of big brand companies are inventing electronic autopilot vehicles.  Huyndai was the only one we saw to have real demo although others may focus to show interior and quality.


Saw water dance at Bellagio couple times already, but never got tired of it.  Always remember it from movie Ocean Eleven.  So when time just that perfect without waiting, then why not stop and watch again.


Inside garden at Bellagio is under construction now.  Look what the display and guess topic.  It is going to welcome Chinese New Year.


Although Venetian also can be visited at Marcow and no special, be here to meet a supplier for quick meeting then of course, “tourists have to what tourists are supposed to do”: pictures.  One thing suprised though there are more Chinese speaker poker dealer than other hotels.  Turned out you don't need English to be played on the table, but Chinese works.  Some of them are good and even tell you how to win the game.  Although most of times, poker dealer is the winner.

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    勇敢去飛 Dream Big Be Brave

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