為巴比祈禱 電影
Prayers For Bobby



1. 一男一女的婚姻,全都是王子和公主的美好生活,沒爭吵沒意見不同嗎?
--> 只要是人與人的相處,就一定會有吵架和意見不同。自己的牙齒都會咬到舌頭了,哪還分什麼性別的人在一起?

2. 一男一女的婚姻,就一定家庭美滿,小孩每個都是好棒棒的嗎?
--> 在還沒這個同志立法浮上檯面時,社會就已經有多少家庭問題小孩了?難道那些現有的家庭問題小孩都是同志朋友的嗎?

3. 一男一女的婚姻,價值觀才會正確不偏差嗎?


It has been a top issue in Taiwan to pass the law of Gay marriage recently. Some organizations have been standing out to shot it is bad, it is not God's will to have Gay marriage, it will destroy our children, etc. But, is it the truth?

If it were possible, no one wants to be different than others. But the fact is, what does a normal person mean? In fact, no one can define who we are, or if we were normal, because everyone is unique in this world, include those who try to find their places in this straight world. Everyone should stand for the same right to be loved, and love, should have the same right to shot out I LOVE YOU. No one should be taken away this basic right and enjoyment.

After all, God loves everyone, not love by your sexuality.

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