CIMG3242.JPG 紐約建築最特別的就是外邊的防火梯,超想爬爬看的


謝謝Rita有先查了一些想要去的景點,還有厲害的Google Map,所以我們今天可以從中國城一路走到布魯克林大橋—>華爾街—>911紀念區,然後搭地鐵到上城的時代廣場—>中央公園—>著名的第五大道—>紐約中央車站,最後終於在10:30多,12小時之後,回到飯店,吃晚餐。

CIMG3245.JPG 在現代建築中還有的古式建築,是那麼的浩大

CIMG3246.JPG 在現代建築中還有的古式建築,是那麼的浩大

CIMG3257.JPG 布魯克林大橋,前次來是從布魯克林方向走過來;這次,則是由紐約方向走



East Coast Trip 8th Day - NYC One Day Tour

Arrived at NYC last night, and found a street parking which is not allowed to park at 8am - 5pm on Monday - Friday. So, woke up early to move the car before 8:00 and headed down to China Town where our night hotel for the parking. Then headed out to NYC one day tour from here at 9:30am.

Thanks to Rita who searched the spots to visit before we arrived, and also thanks for wonderful Google Map, so we could go all the way from China Town to Brooklyan Bridge, Wall Street, 911 Memorial Center then took subway to Time Squre, Central Park, famous 5th Ave, Grand Central Station and got back to hotel safely at 10:30pm. 12 hours walking in NYC for the day, now, we feel the legs are not ours.

Even though this is my 3rd time to be in NYC, last two times were 10 years ago, therefore, today was also kind of a new for me lol.

CIMG3277.JPG 我名字的街名,只是少了個E

CIMG3285.JPG 在街頭駐立的教堂,總是有著百年歷史

CIMG3286.JPG 擠在華爾街金牛前的人群,每人都想摸金牛,望能帶回好手氣

CIMG3300.JPG 華爾街咖啡座三人行

CIMG3304.JPG 華爾街的天際線

CIMG3307.JPG Tiffany外可愛的門僮,還會講點中文,一直稱讚Rita好可愛

CIMG3315.JPG 911紀念區,原雙塔已改建成水池;圍繞著是所有來不及逃離的受難者名字

CIMG3339.JPG 中央公園,走到鐵腿,就是要來看這湖

CIMG3346.JPG 中央公園


CIMG3363.JPG 中央公園

CIMG3376.JPG 中央車站,喜歡這有歷史感的電梯和樓層顯示




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