1. 因為引擎移到前面,所以前門上車的走道空間就變小。在尖峰時間時,走道都擠滿了人,而當老人家上車時,很多司機都會一直喊,”走去後面,不要站在這裡擋路”,問題是人都擠著,坐位也不是就在門邊,你要老人家擠到哪去?
2. 然後因為設計的關係,所以前半截公車的坐位多是橫向,或是有反向,其實有時很容易暈車或是一直隨著車子晃來晃去。除此之外,因為低底盤的關係,所以椅子也比較低,往往在人多時根本看不到現在車到哪裡了。雖然車上有廣播,但是有時聲音很小聲,或是車裡交談聲太大,所以並不一定聽得到,尤其是老人家。已經不只一次看到老人家坐過站,只因為看不到窗外,不知道坐到哪站了。
3. 因為位置是橫向,所以變成站的人和坐的人成為面對面的模式,但是,真的很不便。坐的人腳要縮起來,才不會被踩到;站的人也要避開坐的人的腳,要不有時會變成很尷尬的姿勢,變成把對方的腳放在自己的腳中間才能站。
Low base bus is a good style of bus, cause it can let handicapped people get on a bus with wheelchair. However, it still exists some obvious disadvantages.
1. The engine moves from back to front which leaves small aisle space when get on a bus. Therefore, it makes so hard to pass through or stand during rush hours, especially for elders.
2. Because of its design, seats have to be face to each side instead of face front. It makes passengers hard to see where the bus is now. Plus, passengers keep move left and right when bus is moving and stopping.
3. And stand passengers also face to sit passengers. That is really not a good thing. Both parties have to find a way to put their feet at a safe spot, or will disturb another.
Wonder who is responsible for this bus purchasing, and if the person even a bus rider?