

Do you sometimes feel you don't get what you want no matter how hard you had try and how much you had put in? Then when you sit back and relax, things were all happened in the way you want? Or sometimes you push so hard on something, but turned out it was supposed to be that way, and didn't even need your push?


Well Dear,

"Follow the Flow. People and things have their own rhythm. Universe has all them lay out already. It may sounds so fate, but it is true. There is no coincidence, but only reasons. Find every positive and lesson from all bad things. Find every thankful and gratitude from all good things. Life is a learning journey itself at all. We put ourselves 100% into everything in the life, then pay attention to the sings to follow the flow to be the best. Like Chinese saying, 水到渠成,順勢而為. Life can be that easy, smooth, calm, peace and happy if we let it be."


Day with joy and gratitude 
I am thankful and I am happy 
Thank you, I love you

    創作者 AcA 的頭像

    勇敢去飛 Dream Big Be Brave

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