

You left a group whom you have been known for a couple of years. You were like family to each other. But you still chose to left. You said, "I felt not happy to be in the group, because people changed, and the core of group also changed."

Well Dear, 

"Core of group may still be the same, but our mindset changed so we felt not happy. We lost ourselves during the time, and forgot why we were part of the group at first place. People have been moved up during the years, and we felt we were still at the same place where we began. We wanted to make improvements, and people felt it and encouraged us. But for some reasons, we felt scared, hesitated, and even rejected the changes. So we got stuck, and at the end, we felt this is not the group we want to be part of any longer. Don't worry, don't be sad, don't even give up, Dear. Universe has its time lay out for us already. No improvement maybe just because we are not ready yet even we thought we were ready. Take a breath and relax. Then follow the heart to open that door when the time is ready, you will feel it. This time, don't hesitate, just embrace the excitement. Left is easy, but we may lose what awesome at the end."

Day with joy and gratitude 
Thank you, I love you


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    勇敢去飛 Dream Big Be Brave

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