
Have you ever looked down people who have strong religious belief, because they believe in something unseen? Have you ever wonder why people can do so evil things when they claim themselves are religious believers? Have you ever angry with Gods because your most important pray was not answered?

Well Dear,

"What you see may not be real, what you don't see, may not be not real. Just like we can't see the oxygen we breath in, but we know it is real and exist. Just like dry ice on stages, it can be seen but it is not real ice. Things always have two sides of stories. Religious around the world all teach us to love, and to be peace, no matter it is Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Catholicism, Muslim or others. But dear, every specific religion was created by people, human beings like each of us, and unfortunately, human beings are not so wise and unselfish sometimes. So you heard bad things made by religious people, but the truth is, bad is the people who made the wrong, but not the religious itself. Keep the faith on it. And of course, there are always tests around you to test if you are a true religious believers or a believer to believe conditionally. So yes, your most important pray may not be answered at the time, but it may not be not answered at the other time. Believe and trust, dear."

Day with joy and gratitude 
Thank you, I love you



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