Dec. 2014, we had a wonderful family trip to east coast with aunt's family who came back from LA. With a fully arrangement by EZ travel, we ate well, stayed well, and enjoyed so much.
8:13am, left from Taipei, heading to Taitung. 早上八點,從台北出發往台東去了!!
Color painted train. Each car has different painting. Insdie of the train, just like on a plane. 3 seats in a row, and able to turn the seats around to have face to face chatting. Chairs are big and comfortable. The top pillow even can be moved up and down for travelers to get a comfortable position.
Because this is a tourist train, so on the train, it covers breakfast, lunch, desert, tea time (if travel to west coast), dinner (at the day we came back) and all you can drink. Not only that, it also has a KTV car for groups or individual to sing to kill time and have fun.
Breakfast (sandwitch with corn soup) 摩斯早餐
Lunch (train lunch box) 鐵路便當午餐
Desert (fresh & sweet fruits) 新鮮水果點心
KTV car KTV歡聚唱
5 hours train, arrived at TaiTung around 1:35pm, and started our half day sightseeing. TaiTung is not a crowd city like Taipei, in fact, not so many people on the most of streets. There are 15 Native Taiwanese troops in Taiwan now, and TaiTung has most of them, around 7. Besides that, TaiTung has most prisons in the whole Taiwan, a lot of politicans were residents in TaiTung prisons when KMT first ruled Taiwan around 30 years ago. And as we know, Native Taiwanese have beautiful voices, TaiTung also has many famous singers who won Golden Singer Award through years.
New Life Road 更生路: where the road used to for prisoners to go pass then go home when come out from the prison (囚犯離獄後,回家的路)
Street at TaiTung, no car...台東街道
TaiTung Forest Park: nice park with huge lake. People can come here to rent a bike and excerise at park. 有可以租腳踏車的森林公園,很適合早晚運動
Pee Pa Lake 琵琶湖
Many ranches at TaiTung. Able to taste fresh milk, yourt, milk pudding, and milk corn ice cream. 台東有著很多知名的牧場,對於喜愛喝鮮奶的朋友們,真是個好去處。有鮮奶、優格、鮮奶酪,也有濃濃奶香的雙淇淋可以吃喲!
One corner at the ranch 牧場的一角落
Sansiantai: Where the Three Immortals Stepped to Heaven
Formerly,Sansiantai was a narrow and elongated cape into the ocean. When the neck of the cape was eroded by the tide,the rest of the cape was disconnected with the land and became an island. It is said that three gods,named Li Tieguai,Lu Dongbin and He Xiengu visited here and left three pairs of footprints. The isolated island remained unaffected by human civilization and preserves abundant seashore plant species,and was thus claimed a natural reserve later on. There is also a famous eightarch cross-ocean bridge,a great spot to watch sun rising over the Pacific Ocean.
Jinzun: Where Sun Sheds Its First Golden Beam
On the south side of Donghe Village is an island parallel to the seashore of Jinzun fish port. The unique landform leads to the formation of circling waves,which accumulated sand enough to connect the island with the seashore. The form is known as tombolo. The anchor-shape rocks there are marvelous. This is the only tombolo in Taiwan that continues to grow. The magnificent view of azure sky and white splashes at Jinzunlulian,in the day or at night,is well renowned.
Lin Tian Shan Forestry Cultrual Park
LinTianShan Forestry Cultural Park is not the largest logging yard in eastern Taiwan but is definitely the best preserved. During Japanese occupation,68 km of railway, all the way up to 2,500 m. above sea level, was completed for its lumber transportation. The prosperity in the old days can still be spotted in the homes, shops, theaters and other traces left. After logging bans in natural forests in 1987, the forest has been gradually returning to its natural state.
林田山 在1960年代伐木的全盛時期,林田山一片人聲鼎沸景象,讓這裡有『小上海』之稱,但隨著政府禁伐林木的政策的實施,林田山的伐木工人漸漸散去,一併帶走原有的繁華,但林田山仍舊保留保存了最完整的伐木場景與意象,,原始山川景觀、豐富的自然生態、早期的檜木房舍和運載鐵道,處處可見前人留下的痕跡,也由於林田山風貌與九份相似,近年來許多人也會用『小九份』來稱呼它,讓這裡成為許多人懷舊的好地方。
5 star hotel with buffet dinner and breakfast. Too bad that we didn't bring our swimming suits, or this pool looked so comfortable. There is also an indoor pool with spa, plus gym services. Moringing walked around the backyard of the hotel with nice view and waterfall. What a nice morning and stay.
Qixingtan is the only county level scenic area in Hualien. It is a moon-star shape bay by the movement of Contiental foarm and Eurasia foarm. Besides the crescent bay and clear blue waters of the Pacific Ocean, the beach is full of colorful agates that are easily found and appreciated. Qixingtan used to be a small fishing village.
Taroko National Park (Swallow Grotto Trail, The one thread of Heaven, 太魯閣國家公園 (燕子口、一線天、長春祠)
Mountains in Taroko National Park keeps growing every year. Not like Grand Canyon, Canyon grow up because water level of Colorado River keeps going down every year to make canyon looks growing up; Taroko mountain / canyon was pushed up by the movement of forums. By looking at the shape of the canyon, easily can know if that canyon was pushed up because of the movement of forums, or by water.
The Swallow Grotto (Yanzikou) trail is 1.37 km in length, and takes about 30 minutes to traverse on foot. It is the finest section of the entire Taroko.
Walking along the Swallow Grotto, you will see the gorges, natural sinkholes, water geysers, and the uniquely shaped "Rock of the Indian Chief". The reason behind these geographic forms is the river. This part of the river valley is extremely narrow and deep, therefore as the river comes through , a formation known in Chinese as "The one thread of Heaven" is created. This is a cave or a canyon with a tiny crack or opening at the top, which when viewed from below looks like a narrow thread of sunlight. When the water runs through the canyon, it speeds up due to the narrow channel, creating a much more potent erosive force on the marble embankments, and carves out the beautiful and unique natural forms of Swallow Grotto.
The Eternal Spring Shrine( Changchun Shrine ) is located at the west entrance of Changchun Tunnel on the Central Cross-Island Highway. The architectural style of the shrine was modeled after a famous Tang Dynasty temple. It commemorates the memory of 225 veterans who died while constructing the highway. Right beside the shrine, spring water pours down into the valley, forming the famous "Changchun Falls" of the Central Cross-Island Highway.
長春祠: 於中橫公路長春隧道西口,坐落一座外型為唐代廟堂式的建築,古典而雅致,祠內供奉著爲興建中橫公路而殉職的225位築路英雄,而祠旁的湧泉由山壁間傾瀉而下,形成白絹飛瀑,為中橫公路著名的「長春瀑布」。

Rock of the Indian Chief (印地安酋長岩)
The one thread of Heaven (一線天)
Even though we couldn't stay at one spot for too long, maybe just an hour in average, overall, it was still a nice trip. Hotels, meals, and transportations were all taking care of. There were even tour guides to explain the scens. Too bad that I didn't bring my recorder to record what they said, local tour guide normally gives more about local details than what we can find on the web. And last, I know I gained weight just by this 3 days and 2 nights trip, because I ate too well. HAHAHAHA