I actually thought I didn't have a good day today because of disappointed. Almost lost my faith on a thing that I have been wishing for years. All my mind was filled with negative thoughts no matter how hard I tried to get them out. Every one negative thought pop out would hurt my heart badly. I tried to focus on doing things, but once I stopped, these negative and pain came right back. I didn't know what to do to turn this around and gain my positive back.


So at the end, I only could focus on using hooponopono by keep saying "I am sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you" to clean and wish the peace and calm can be back.


Just not too long after I started cleaning, a flash thought hit me. "Even it seems a negative thing for me now, it will be a positive thing for good." Suddenly, I smiled and found my calm.


Coincidence, I read a quote which is just saying my day, and share it here,


"If we can find the positive in the negative years from now, it means that positive was available in that so-called negative at the moment it happened.

What you are being asked to do here is to have trust.

Trust that everything is working out for your highest good, even when it does not appear that way."


Day 61, I am thankful and I am happy 
Thank you, I love you



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