One of a good thing to do in this super cold days is having a spicy hot pot. Actually, I never had any spicy hot pot in Taiwan. My very first spicy hot pot when I was in the US with a group of people. When I stated having less time with them, I didn't have spicy hot pot after then.



So, tonight was my first spicy hot pot over years, and in Taiwan. Thanks to co-worker, Peter, who has been talking about this place for months. And thanks for super cold today, so we finally made it for dinner.


Soup was good. Kind of too full. Only one bad thing. I just had hair washed last night, and after dinner, I smelled like spicy hot pot. smile emoticon


Day 37, I am thankful and I am happy


Thank you, I love you

1374914_903962182968667_3711516731219568549_n good one, but I didn't eat it

10343672_903962122968673_3410313603287045629_n fresh fish / shrimp ball

10443980_903962169635335_7587375921638407470_n let's get start



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