When being single, one good thing is able to play with kids without heat. In other words, they are angles to me when sometimes they are actually like devils.


We have two young children and two almost teenagers at temple. They are about 10 years different, but they are just like same ages, play along well in just five minutes even they haven't seen each other for three months. Don't know if young ones are too mature, or older ones are having too much kids inside of them. smile emoticon


And we had one guest today. Glad our teacher knows a lot about fortune by fate, word reading, i-jin, and so more. So our guest had a good chat with the teacher, and we learned something too.


Day 35, I am thankful and I am happy


Thank you, I love you

1505607_902805689750983_846615540610319319_n Teacher was helping our guest with life questions



10943712_902805666417652_8734761444248840968_n Should be four heads, but one is too small to be seen


10978667_902805706417648_9145130313206368161_n   Two little ones, youngest is five years old 










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