We usually take photos of products when we prepare customers' shipment. That way can help us to understand the parts because there are so many parts on a heavy bike that we don't know. Since we are not professional and office is not a studio, sometimes products don't look good in the camera.


So,we got anew toy, a portable studio. It can be opened to use when needed, and after, can put it away just by putting it back to a bag. How nice. We got the largest one,120cm x 120cm. Now, we can take nice photos.


By the way, I had a blade cut today at office. Light blood,but not hurt. Well, in old Chinese saying, seeing red is a good thing. So today I saw blood, red, does it mean there is going to have a good fortune thing happened to me in next few days? mmmm....I am looking forward to it.


Day 23, I am thankful and I am happy


Thank you, I love you


10420382_896230313741854_5391694490213741833_n Old Chinese saying, seeing red is a good thing...Maybe I am getting my good in next few days.\

10955739_896230340408518_6359234410022228630_n  120cm x 120cm portable photo studio


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